Implementing different processes, procedures, and systems into your district will not only make your HR functions run more smoothly, but the results will be felt throughout your entire organization. Developing clear processes that align with laws and policy help create consistency and trust in your district.
ADA (AA) Interactive Process
The Americans with Disabilities Act/Amendments Act (ADA and ADAAA) requires individuals with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations in the workplace. This allows individuals to remain at work and complete the essential functions of their position. What is required, allowed, or is determined to be an undue hardship can be difficult waters to navigate. We can help establish a process beginning at the notification through the process of establishing an interactive conversation and implementation of accommodations that are consistent and comply with law.
The state requires all teachers be placed on a salary schedule. You may have determined that hourly and other staff within your district may be on one as well. Whether you are looking to implement a schedule, adjust a schedule or looking at ideas to brainstorm paths towards compensation revamping, we can provide insight and assistance.
Policy and legal pitfalls can be hard to stay up to date with and can also be pricey in the long-run when it goes to some form of litigation. We can help provide systems, forms, and foundational support to help mitigate risk upfront and guide you through difficult compliance and policy issues.
Employee Handbook
Do your employees know their expectations, the hours they work, their schedule, their calendar? Do they know clock in requirements or overtime usage policies? We can help work with each individual district and develop an employee handbook that ensures policy is guiding your direction and communication with your staff and that your implementation of procedure is legally and policy compliant.
Exit Interviews
Do you know why you are losing staff? You can take a hard look at employee retention through exit interviews. We will assist with developing a process, working together to formulate questions, and develop a tracking and reporting system to analyze outcomes and data. We will also walk through recommendations for improvement to assist in retention issues.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal requirement for employers of 50 or more employees. If you need forms, ideas for tracking, communication, management, and overall oversight for your FMLA process, we can assist you with your individualized district needs.
Hiring Manual
We can develop a complete hiring manual for all levels of employment throughout your district. We will start by identifying your current processes and then walk with you through the budget approval, posting/advertising, interviewing, panel selection, notes/documentation and recommendation to hire process. If you have wanted to shore up your hiring processes and communicate with your stakeholders but have not found the time, we can assist with that. This is often an opportunity to create a legally sound foundation of your hiring processes to mitigate future risk and financial impact.
I-9 Tracking and Monitoring
Employment Verification forms (I-9) have many different requirements. In fact, there is an entire manual provided by the Department of Homeland Security outlining all of the requirements, completion, retention, and fines associated with this form. We can help establish a process that not only keeps you in compliance but assists you in tracking and ensuring legally compliant retention to avoid risk and fines.
Investigations/Employee Relations
Investigations and employee issues are a part of administration. It is the rule of 80/20, you will spend 80% of your time as an administrator on 20% of your workforce. Oftentimes, it may feel like the 90/10 rule. Employee investigations and issues, whether they be policy or legal violations or claims, can take up your precious time that you do not have. You got into education to make a difference for students and increase achievement and often are faced with overseeing adult issues. We can provide a process for investigations, templates or even do the investigations for you. We can help with any and all phases of the investigations, including recommendations.
Non-Renewal/Termination Process
Non-Renewal of contracts or termination can and should be a difficult decision. We can walk you through the protocols, the legal compliance with state statute and ensure that your documentation is in place before seeking legal counsel.
Policy Development
Do you have an issue that you believe a new policy implementation will help solve? We will look at the issues you are having and work with you in policy development. We will work through with you all potential pitfalls, clarity, accountability and overall guidance. We will draft the policy and make edits until it is what you need for implementation.
Records and Retention Guidelines
There are many requirements for records retention. Whether it is for litigation or simply Secretary of State guidelines for retention, we can walk you through on best practices needed.
Time and Attendance Implementation
Are you having issues with individuals reporting time, encountering leave fraud, or just an overall expectation with a consistent message? Are you looking at different systems or vendors to use? We can walk you through all of this and guide you through what you as an employer have a responsibility to do and what expectations and enforcement you can implement with your employees.
Transfer Process/Internal Hiring
Internal hiring practices for transferring positions can sometimes be tricky. Sometimes they are completed by who is the most vocal about their future desires, handshakes or deals, or even just asking if someone is interested. However, we are in a more litigious environment and internal hiring is still hiring. We can develop an internal hiring/transfer process that makes sense for your organization. We can implement administrator or teacher voice into the process and ensure the buy-in of stakeholders. We will navigate this process with you.
Prior to the pandemic and after, the landscape of unemployment filings and appeals have changed. Do you have a process in place and are you writing the best content for documentation for appeals? We can help.
Workers' Compensation
We can walk you through the process of working with your insurance carrier, creating the correct documentation and filing, and also consult on what you can and should not say in official communication.