Training and Coaching
Whether it's professional development, compliance and required trainings, or coaching and mentoring, we can help! Look at our offerings below and let us know what may assist your organization in giving your staff and leaders the skills needed to help improve culture and reduce turnover.
Career Development/Job Coaching
How do you determine future leaders within your organization? Do you have current leaders who have expressed desires to increase their knowledge or skills in particular areas? We can help guide and provide resources for customized training for your new or current leaders.
Culture Improvement
If you are having culture issues within your district, please note that you are not alone. Many districts struggle with extinguishing the fires of negative feedback and feelings from one minor situation that occurs. Oftentimes it is so overwhelming that knowing where to start can be the first battle. We will develop a survey process to yield results on where to start in terms of assessing your culture and looking for a recommendation to approach fixing it. We spend so much time and money on recruiting staff that we know that establishing a positive culture is the easiest way of ensuring retention.
Employee Relations Training/Counseling
Many administrators go into education to make a difference in kids' lives. They pursue degrees in administration because they believe they can contribute to a higher degree. Then once they receive their first administration position, they realize that they were provided limited training on personnel management and how to oversee employee issues. We can provide basic training that helps provide the “why”, we can cover information in terms of the “look fors” and when staff need to escalate the issue up through their administration or when upper administration may need to get legal involved.
Leadership Development
Pick a topic you want your leaders to know more about or a process that you believe your administration can use refreshers on and we will create and provide the training. We can provide in person or virtual, whatever is easiest for your group and your district. We will customize large group, small group or individualized training to help meet your district needs.
Performance Management – Evaluations/PDP/PIP
Evaluating staff properly is the biggest defense against employment termination or removal lawsuits. If you can show that their evaluation was well documented, communicated and expressed continuing and ongoing concerns with real application to improve, you will be in a good spot. Even at-will non-contract positions still need legally compliant and defensible reasons to terminate. We can assist. We have been through many different issues and can guide you on your process.
Policy and Legal Training
Policies help your organization maintain consistency and help with legal compliance. It helps you navigate sometimes difficult situations and avoid pitfalls. Policy also helps establish expectations for your employees and individuals doing business with your district. Often employees and administrators are unaware of their legal responsibilities. Districts may also be unaware of the mandated training required through the state every year. We can help establish training to educate staff and administrators or policies and mandate legal training.
Rewards and Recognition
Culture is a big part of any organization in terms of recruitment and retention. Providing recognition to staff can be an easy way to establish buy in and develop a sense of ownership and pride for your staff. We can brainstorm and implement ideas to help contribute to a positive working environment and culture in your organization. This may be one of many things a district can do to become a district of choice.
Succession Planning
Do you have a plan in place if a key administrator or leader in your district leaves? How are you developing your future leaders? We can help establish an aspiring administrator program and succession planning for future leaders within your organization. This will help form and develop an internal pipeline to leadership for someone to not only have fundamentals of leadership, but someone that already understands your districts and its unique needs. We can help you build those internal resources.